Settlement Wellness Hub
The Settlement Wellness Hub provides a comprehensive set of resources to support frontline staff in managing their mental health and well-being.
Monthly Live Wellness Webinars
Expert-led discussions on stress management, emotional resilience, and self-care strategies.
Comprehensive Wellness Resources
We equip you with practical tools to navigate workplace challenges and address compassion fatigue.
Burnout PreventionĀ Support Group
RCC-led group with tools andĀ resources to help frontline workers prevent and manage burnout.
Exclusive Monthly Newsletters
Actionable best practices, wellness tips, and expert insights to inspire wellness practices.
Supportive Community
Join a network of peers in the settlement sector, fostering a supportive environment for shared growth.

Take the next step in prioritizing frontline wellness.
Join the Settlement Wellness Hub today!
Evidence-based resources, tools and supports by a Registered Clinical Counsellor with over 15 years of experience in the sector.
Join Now